Facebook is a huge multimedia website that allows you to connect with people on different levels. You can reconnect with old friends or make new friends. You can follow different things that you are interested in to keep up with like music, cars, or wrestling whatever it maybe you can follow just about anything on facebook. Its a way of keeping in touch with family, and seeing how they are doing. Some people stay on facebook for hours at a time. They can be looking at their page talking to someone or even playing a game on there. There is a lot of thing people do on facebook. I do not do much with facebook myself, but I do know someone and I think we all know that someone who can just live on facebook. All ways looking at videos or pictures posted. It does not matter if its a picture that someone found on the internet or if its a picture of someone's kids that they know.
Facebook is good for someones business. They can use facebook to get the word out to help them advertise. They can post pictures of their work and the quality of their work. People can post comments about things on there and that could be a real positive for someones business. I can understand a business taking advantage of facebook to help them out especially if its a new business trying to get started get the word out, because its hard to get a business started and get it where you can really start making it with your new business after spending all the money you spent on equipment and everything else you needed to get your business. After spending all of that your business is starting off in the red and you are trying to live and survive. You can use facebook to try to get you to the green. With facebook you can show pictures and videos of you and work to help you get yourself and you are new business in the green that way you are new business can start making some money.
Facebook is good for someones business. They can use facebook to get the word out to help them advertise. They can post pictures of their work and the quality of their work. People can post comments about things on there and that could be a real positive for someones business. I can understand a business taking advantage of facebook to help them out especially if its a new business trying to get started get the word out, because its hard to get a business started and get it where you can really start making it with your new business after spending all the money you spent on equipment and everything else you needed to get your business. After spending all of that your business is starting off in the red and you are trying to live and survive. You can use facebook to try to get you to the green. With facebook you can show pictures and videos of you and work to help you get yourself and you are new business in the green that way you are new business can start making some money.